A volunteer Committee manages the Holden Gemini Club of Victoria Inc. Without the dedication and commitment of our Committee, the Club would cease to exist. At the end of each fiscal year, any financial member of the Club is eligible to nominate for a position, or nominate a fellow financial club member for a position, on the Committee. Please see below the positions available for nomination. If you are interested in performing any of these roles, please nominate yourself. We encourage you to be an integral part of our club or assist others in doing so.
As part of your involvement you will be involved in monthly committee meetings and be actively involved in the inner workings of the club. You will be able to contribute positively to the financial membership community and have a vote on the committee table when decisions come up.
Your name Your email Your HGCOV Membership Number I understand I am only permitted to vote once in the Committee election and my first submission will count unless the Committee is contacted.
PHONE (if known)
Vice President
Membership Secretary
Content Editor/Events Co-ordinator
Club Plate Scheme
Motorsport Australia Representative
General Committee Member #1
General Committee Member #2
General Committee Member #3
General Committee Member #4
General Committee Member #5
General Committee Member #6
Additional Comments (optional)
Nominations close on Saturday 12th August 2023.
Nominations must be made on this form and can be returned via post or email.
If posting your form, please mail it to HGCOV, Attn: The Secretary, PO Box 66 MOE VIC 3825.
If you submit your form electronically, email secretary@holdengemini.club with the form. If you are having difficulty submitting electronically, please get in touch with the secretary to discuss alternative options on how to make sure your vote/s count.
To be eligible for nomination you must be a financial member of the HGCOV and nominations must be seconded by another financial member of the HGCOV for the nomination to be considered. You are not required to vote for all positions if you do not wish to, though it is strongly encouraged.
If a nomination for an Executive Committee position has not been received by the closing date, the Club reserves the right to accept late nominations.
If more than one nomination is received for an Executive Committee position, a secret ballot will be held to determine the position at the Club’s Annual General Meeting on the 19th of August 2023.
A maximum of 6 General Committee Positions are available. If more than 6 nominations are received for General Committee positions, a ballot will be held to determine the positions at the Club Committee Meeting on the 19th of August 2023.
Nomination enquiries should be directed to the: HGCOV Secretary Martin Edge, by emailing secretary@holdengemini.club
If you need further information on any of these positions and how they operate within the committee, you can also email the secretary about this.
As part of being a financial member of the Holden Gemini Club of Victoria – one of the obligations all members have is to nominate who will be part of the Committee that runs the club. The committee is an integral part of ensuring all administrative functions of the club run smoothly and efficiently and that the people that are in these positions ensure that all members are supported and heard and that the club continues to mature and grow as time goes on.
We welcome you to consider yourself and others you know that are part of the club to consider whether you or they would like to get involved in the committee – We need representatives from all around Victoria to further the clubs growth.
By ensuring that the committee is constantly bringing new blood into it we get to take advantage of new ideas and fresh concepts and bring us all together to share our cars, stories and knowledge. There will be a lot more events generally going on in Victoria and we need a strong committee behind the club to get us there!
A quick overview of the current committee as it stands now.
President – Craig Dutton
Vice President – Carl Galea
Treasurer – Stephanie McCormack
Membership Secretary – Jeremy Thomas
Secretary – Martin Edge
General Committee – Tim Gard
Thanks for being part of the club, on behalf of myself, Martin Edge and the rest of the HGCOV Committee.