GGOCC – Membership Survey


    Members of the GGOCC - Our committee constantly strives to listen to the feedback from our club family to make sure that the way we grow and manage the desires and expectations of everyone that forms part of it.

    Without the support and feedback from all of you, the club would not be what it is today. In order to help us do this, we have prepared this feedback loop to allow everyone to provide their input which will assist in shaping the GGOCC for the future.

    It is vital to our success that we receive clear and honest feedback from all. Please do your best to respond to each question where you can. There are no wrong answers!

    Your details

    Event Suggestions

    Car clubs, especially those with the affiliations that the GGOCC have, need to make sure that we are creating and participating in events that are inclusive in the desires of all members. While we come up with ideas of our own from our experience and discussions with those of you we see, the best way to find out what you all really feel important is simply to ask you.

    This is your opportunity to have some input, let us know what sort of events you enjoy, even if it is something the club has never done before. It could be anything - for example

  • A social get together

  • Participation in an organised event such as a car show or show and shine

  • A motorsport event

  • An activity (such as the slot cars event not too long ago)

  • An education based event, such as organising someone to teach the group how to tune a car

  • A cruise to a particular area or through a defined route

  • A car game, such as a poker run

    What sort of event/s would you like to see the club do in the future?

    Website and promotion

    We love our cars. That's part of the reason hopefully you are all part of our group. On our website, we want to tell your story. Many of us have put our blood, sweat, and tears into restoring and caring for our cars. Some of us have even won awards along the way.

    We use our website to put you out there - to share in the pride you have. The committee and club love nothing more than to share in your successes and even your challenges. People learn from others and being able to teach members the lessons you have already learned is invaluable.

    Each of you has our commitment to edit, curate and publish your story and allow others to see. The club is proud of everyone that has a passion for their cars.

    If you are already on the website or wish to be on it, let us know! You can even email us directly ( for example) with pictures and a story. If you need some guidance on what to do, please contact us!

    If you would like us to contact you, please put the desired phone number, name on Facebook or email that you want to be contacted on and we will get in contact

    Would you like to be contacted about putting your story on the website?

    How would you like to be contacted? Phone/Email/Facebook

    Based on the above, what is your phone number, email or name on Facebook?

    Change of the name for the Club

    The GGOCC Committee has been looking at different ways to move the club forward. As we grow, we are finding that we are attracting members from more than the Gippsland area, and we feel it is important to embrace this rather than keep ourselves locked into where the club originated.

    One of the things that is special about the GGOCC is that we are the only club in Victoria that specialises in Geminis that has gone to the effort of not just being a registered car club, but that we also have significant ties into Motorsport Australia (CAMS) and the VicRoads Club Permit Scheme.

    Between this and a strong committee, we feel that there is a great opportunity to expand our club into not just a Gippsland club, but one that can essentially grow throughout Victoria. We have seen it happen organically, but the best way to really take hold of this (and get in before someone else does) is to change our focus and as such change our name.

    What we are proposing is to start this journey by changing the name of the club. The consideration is to change the name from the "Gippsland Gemini Owners Car Club Incorporated" to the "Gemini Owners Club-Victoria (GOCV) Incorporated".

    We cannot make this change without the support and blessing of our members. It is not, however, not just about your support as far as the change is concerned, but also your feedback on what you think about this concept. Do you have ideas? Do you have input? Do you not like the idea? Do you love the idea?

    We have created this form in order to give you an opportunity to provide feedback to us on your opinion because ultimately that is what matters to us the most.

    This form will serve both as a microphone for you to tell us what you think, but also crucially part of the 'vote' required to decide whether we are able to move ahead with this.

    The proposed name is "Gemini Owners Club-Victoria (GOCV) (Incorporated)"

    Do you vote to approve this new name?
    No selectionYes - I approve this changeNo - I do not approve this change

    Can you provide a few words as to why you take this position?


    If you have any general feedback or there is anything else you would like to say, please use this field: