2 results for tag: meetings
General Club Meeting
General Club Meeting - Held 1st Thursday of the month.
This Thursday will be the second of our regular monthly meetings, held at our new regular venue - the Warragul Club Downtowner.
The official part (not that we are too official), of the evening begins at approx. 8.00pm, with always the opportunity (for those who wish), to enjoy a relaxed dinner with fellow members from 6.30pm.
So if your interested to find out more about the GGOCC, find out about upcoming events and everything else that's going on, come on down and have a look and say g'day!!
We look forward to seeing you there!!
GGOCC General Meeting
The Gippsland Gemini Owners Car Club holds their general meeting on the first Thursday of every month. It is an opportunity for members to get together to catch up, share stories, receive tips and guidance for your vehicle and get up to date with the movements of the club.
We generally rotate these meetings through different locations - so stay tuned on where the next one is!
Generally members will arrive at 6:30pm for a quick bite to eat before the meeting formalities start - if you have any special dietary requirements please let us know!!