GGOCC Newsletter – Gem Torque

Stay up to date with the club by taking a squiz at our Newsletter Gem Torque. This is a periodical and comes out time to time depending on the availability of members to put it together..

It generally contains subjects such as;

  • Upcoming events
  • Article about a club members car
  • Articles about car modifications and staying within the law
  • The Committee members
  • Useful or interesting Gemini tips and tricks

We are always looking for good content to put in our newsletter, if you have any interesting subjects you would like to see in the newsletter or hear more about, please reach out and let us know! Visit

Gem Torque - Edition 1

Created in mid 2016 this is the first newsletter produced for the club. It features classifieds, an introduction to the newsletter, rules around legality of different types of wheels/tires and more!

Gem Torque - Edition 2

Edition 2 of Gem Torque - featuring Joel Bailey's TC Sedan, tips on overheating Geminis and rules for safe and legal tyres

Gem Torque - Edition 3

Edition 3 of Gem Torque introduces the GGOCC Online Store, covers the committee members, covers some CAMs events, feature car is ZZR Gemini of Tony Mifsud amongst other topics

Feed us your ideas! Contact us and contribute!