Become a member (or renew!)

To become a member simply fill in the information in this form and make payment.


    Phone Number

    Address (Street Number, Street Name, Suburb, Postcode)

    Membership Renewal Type

    If it is a renewal, what is your member number?

    Membership Type

    *Do you agree to the details outlined in our insurance policy ?

    * Signing Date

    *By agreeing to the details outlined in our Insurance Policy, you are agreeing to the following:

    When presenting yourself & your Holden Gemini Vehicle to be included at Holden Gemini Club of Victoria Inc. events, please be aware that due to Insurance limitations, your vehicle must be covered by your own private Vehicle Insurance. The Club will not be held responsible/liable for any damage sustained to your vehicle or your vehicle to another’s property during this Club event. The Club holds Public Liability Insurance, but this does not cover your vehicle and/or property.

    Once your membership form has been completed please transfer your membership fee to the following bank account using your ‘Surname’ or ‘Date of Birth’ as the reference.

    Bank: Westpac Bank Account
    Account Name: Holden Gemini Club of Victoria
    BSB: 033262
    Account: 415602

    Ref: Your Surname or DOB or Member Number w Surname.

    Once your payment has been received, your membership pack will be posted with Australia Post.

    Thank you in advance for your support and welcome to the

    Holden Gemini Club of Victoria!